Bethany, Ike, Stephen, Justin, Brianna & PT

Thursday, May 6, 2010


*This is the view from where I work everyday. Es is ser schön! (It is very beautiful)*

This is our first week in Eisenach. I absolutely love it here.
There are many things I was not expecting for this trip, but I certainly was not expecting everyone to be so friendly and welcoming! It is so nice to meet people and have them invite you to their office anytime you need.

On Tuesday we started our internships. Ike, Justin and I took the 9:02 bus to the bottom of the castle hill. From there it is quite a steep walk up the mountain to the castle. However, the view from the top is well worth the walk. (My legs are getting in shape!) Once we got there we met the gate keeper who would give us our keys. Keys to a castle... I didn't know it would be so awesome! However, if we lose or misplace the keys it is 10,000 Euros to replace them.. OOFTA!!!!! After that we talked with a couple workers (our new colleagues) and read about the castle for a couple hours, had lunch and then went along on the 1:30pm English tour of the castle. That was very nice to be able to hear all about it in a language I can understand! :) After that we headed down the mountain back to our apartment.

Brianna works at the register at the Luther Haus. The first day was a little tough because she was working with a man who is maybe not so fond of Americans. :\ Hopefully it will get better.
Stephen works at the radio station with some fun guys. He did is going to interview us all for a story he is doing. It seems like his work has been the most productive so far!

The rest of the couple days we have been back to our work places and things have gotten better.
Brianna didn't have to work with the (grumpy) older man, and Stephen visited the castle with us to record an English tour and interviewed us.

This weekend (starting tomorrow, Friday) should be very fun! We are headed to Munchin (Munic)!! I am very excited about this trip. We are meeting with Frau Losch's group to travel around and have some fun :]

I will be writing next week sometime when we get internet again.

*Bis später*

If anyone wants me to add anything to the blog, please just let me know! I would be happy to put in a few more picture (although this takes a mighty long time sometimes) or add a couple more details or something!

1 comment:

  1. that is the view from work?! how fantastic! have fun in munich!!!
